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 Phase I: Blight Removal 

MPAC's Blight Remediation Campaign


When engaging in community development, it is essential to clear out unwanted trash, debris, and vacant structures to reveal critical infrastructure. MPAC’s Phase I plan is to conduct a Blight Remediation Campaign to clean up blight, mow grass and overgrown vegetation on vacant lots, remove trash and debris from years of illegal dumping as a high-value intervention for neighborhood improvement. 


We conduct a complete Property Condition Report to collect information and details on blight, vacant properties, zoning, and code enforcement violations.  We then create a property level database to capture critical data such as property condition reports, pictures, and other observations of each blighted and abandoned property in the area to assist in the overall prioritization of property intervention efforts that will help in stabilizing the community. 


A secondary objective of the plan, and equally as important, is to use the Blight Remediation program as a "Job Creator" by hiring and training residents and other participants to make housing repairs and rehabilitation of salvageable properties.

How bad is the blight problem in Memphis?

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